Well well well i can not believe it has been a year since you were born in Lima,clinica Maison de Sante...time flown by!..you are mi precious boy,my little monkey thats how Mia and i call you everytime you are discovering new things and trying to climb on the stairs..aja!!..thats what a stair gate is for!!..we had to put it up and iam not afraid anymore on you climbing up because you already proved you can do it! OMG! that really scared me..but anyway..you are an absolutly adorable everyday,everything you do for me its just great..you are discovering,learning,growing off cloths..luckily we got some pass on from friends..then your laugh is amazing,when you are laughing i can see myself on you but then aswell when Mia is playing i can see myself on her ,its crazy how both of you got my personality,look physicly like daddy,but anything else its just me...mini me,,,you came to bright up my life,first was your big sister almost 5 years ago then you,my lovely son,my only son, u 2 brought all the good and nice things in life you can ask for,you are my everything,even i feel tired everyday because of sleepless at nights,i know will be temporarly because you are teething,well at 1 year old,you have got 2 teeth already!!..its so excited!..and for been that little and just 2 teeth you eat verything,you love pasta,rice,potatoes,all the food i make for you then fruits,you absolutly love strawberries,bananas,melon,mandarines,grapes,nectarines,we havent tried watermelon yet,and its my favorite,you should try it soon i suppose..well you are very special in your own special way!
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