OMG,it has been 5 years ago since i had my first child so you my darling,you know you change my life forever,because i havent slept well since then,well nothing wrong about that,just the fact that mummy need a rest sometimes,well well well never mind hey!,you had a lovely day(the 6th dec),nice party with all your friends,and you were all over excited,it was really nice to see everyone enjoying themselves and of course you!! always very happy,smiling away,you blew your candles in your lovely castle cake that Claire made for you,specially for you,and it was lovely and really nice!! had so many birthday's presents,i couldnt believe it!!..most of them books because of course now you are learning to read at school,Mrs Claridge has done a beautiful job,and your reading and writing it has been amazing!! are doing so well!!..we are so proud of you,now tomorrow Christmas the moment you are sleeping,went to bed all excited because father Christmas is gonna come to leave your present so tomorrow you can wake up and open your lovely presents,you have so many under the tree,we got ours too but not as many as you two..We love you lots!! are 5 and big and beautiful,you are our star!
Thursday, 24 December 2009
Thursday, 27 August 2009
Happy 1st Birthday..the first year in your life!

Well well well i can not believe it has been a year since you were born in Lima,clinica Maison de Sante...time flown by! are mi precious boy,my little monkey thats how Mia and i call you everytime you are discovering new things and trying to climb on the stairs..aja!!..thats what a stair gate is for!!..we had to put it up and iam not afraid anymore on you climbing up because you already proved you can do it! OMG! that really scared me..but are an absolutly adorable everyday,everything you do for me its just are discovering,learning,growing off cloths..luckily we got some pass on from friends..then your laugh is amazing,when you are laughing i can see myself on you but then aswell when Mia is playing i can see myself on her ,its crazy how both of you got my personality,look physicly like daddy,but anything else its just me,,,you came to bright up my life,first was your big sister almost 5 years ago then you,my lovely son,my only son, u 2 brought all the good and nice things in life you can ask for,you are my everything,even i feel tired everyday because of sleepless at nights,i know will be temporarly because you are teething,well at 1 year old,you have got 2 teeth already!!..its so excited!..and for been that little and just 2 teeth you eat verything,you love pasta,rice,potatoes,all the food i make for you then fruits,you absolutly love strawberries,bananas,melon,mandarines,grapes,nectarines,we havent tried watermelon yet,and its my favorite,you should try it soon i suppose..well you are very special in your own special way!
Monday, 3 August 2009
My only love in my life,mi kids!
Each day at bathtime,most days around 6ish,you really enjoy to have a bath with your sister and you two have lots of fun together
,and iam the most happy mum in the whole wide world!! like to play,laughed,eat,read a story,go in the bus,go in th train,sing nursery rhymes,anyway everything you do together with your sister you both are the most happy children in the whole wide world and then its me feelin proud of both of you because i can see how much you love each and how much happy you make me feel when i see you laughing and enjoying yourselves,you two make me so happy i dont know any other reason for me to feel that way,you two change my life in a beautiful, amazing and incredible way that i have never imagine,you two are my life,my everything and thats why your daddy and I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU 4EVER AND EVER!

Tuesday, 14 July 2009
New day,new experience!
Well,well well,still me thinking when you will have some teeths and not chance nothing yet!..and while iam waiting i can see you doing lots of diferents things like standing up more and getting more confident i suppose you really want to do everything Mia does,such a copy cat! today i saw you putting your wodden blocks back in the box,your daddy said Mia and him showed you how to do it,you tend to learn pretty quickly things and i feel proud of you!!..with just 10 mths and a half,you are such a big boy!! i was holding you and i thought OMG! you are growing lots, you are growing out of your cloths everyday,as same as Mia,got few new bits and pieces specially some pijamas,well as new experience you have been going in the bus a lots lately and you loved it! well first time felt sleep as same as you do in the car when your daddy drives,then about 2 weeks ago we went in the train,and again you loved it!.. for me it seems that everytime we go out you have lots of fun well being all the time with Mia and I,is kind of a change for you to go out to see new faces,but today i kind of loved it to spend like 2 hrs together,you were a hungry boy,we had lunch at the coffee place,then we walked around the shops,you felt sleep in your prum and it was so much easier without Mia,but we really missed her,specially you i know sometimes she can be too loud but you love that as same as me really!..well it was so precious time to spend it just with you today and as a new experience i think we should do it again,maybe again next week when Mia is at pre-school?..because week after that she will be on holidays ,oh well i can not wait for that,more new experiences for us,and iam sure you will love it! life,mi kids and my soulmate!
Monday, 6 July 2009
New home,new life together!

The days go by and still thiking iam very lucky to have my perfect family,we had so much fun at the weekend,went to a place called Avebury with an amazing views,we had a picnic,it was lovely!!.. with a nice weather quite windy though,but anyway we were 4 of us together,very happy,had a long walk,thought George was gonna have a nice sleep but not luck,he was up every 2 hrs i think,well iam not sure anymore,the only thing i know is that i was knackered this morning,didnt wanna get up but had to because Mia wanted her breakfast,anyway,life for us is quite in a way,well 2 weeks ago went to london by train,got the train on a friday am,went with Mia and George,very brave!! wasnt too bad as how i expected we did quite right,we took 3 trains,it was very fun for Mia,she absolutly love it!..and George bless him,he was very hungry at some point and after having banana and some biscuits,he went for a long nap in his pushchair,very nice!..we spend the weekend visiting lovely friends of us,firstable we spend friday night at Holly's, 4 of them were so nice with us,we had a very comfy sofa bed to sleep on and the kids,Mia & Dylan enjoyed themselves,as same as George and Zach,they look so adorable,so small and toching each other faces,hands, anyway we couldnt resist and took some pics, then next morning well at noon we had lunch with my sister and did a bit of shopping,just for the kids,then Sean joined us at my sister's house,spend few hours there then we went to see Claire and family,it was so nice to see 4 of them,and the girls,Lily and Emma are so big and friendly as always,it was really lovely to have a chat with them and Mia enjoyed the play together!,hope to see them again very soon and they are a wonderful people,we feel really lucky to have them as friends!
Since we have arrived we have seen old friends and meeting new ones aswell,i was lucky to meet a girl from Peru and her family are very nice,luckily Mia got a friend who speaks both languages too,and she introduce us a lovely bunch of latin people,well new friends really,i kind of trying to spend quality time with them specially with the girls,getting together for lunch or just a cup of coffee,its really nice for me to have a chat in spanish,and having back my old friends from Rode its lovely aswell,they have been over for cuppas and chats,it has been really busy some weeks but then i think its nice to keep in touch with them,specially with my closers friends,and for Mia specially having all her little friends back and we really try to see them quite often so its good for her,by the way her english it got a lot better since she has started pre-school and now she can not wait to go to the big school in September,its just me thinking where has the time gone!! little baby girl its not a baby anymore :( well i actually i feel very a proud of her,she has been having so many changes in her short life but its good,she has done it so well!!..,and finally is my baby boy meeting all this new friends and he is having so much fun,he is crawling everywhere,standing up aswell,trying to climb the stairs,very scary!!.well he is a big boy now and very strong,i absolutly love my kids,they are doing so well,and Sean very busy as always but helping me lots and me doing my daily duties but VERY HAPPY 4 OF US TOGETHER! life,my kids and my soulmate!
Since we have arrived we have seen old friends and meeting new ones aswell,i was lucky to meet a girl from Peru and her family are very nice,luckily Mia got a friend who speaks both languages too,and she introduce us a lovely bunch of latin people,well new friends really,i kind of trying to spend quality time with them specially with the girls,getting together for lunch or just a cup of coffee,its really nice for me to have a chat in spanish,and having back my old friends from Rode its lovely aswell,they have been over for cuppas and chats,it has been really busy some weeks but then i think its nice to keep in touch with them,specially with my closers friends,and for Mia specially having all her little friends back and we really try to see them quite often so its good for her,by the way her english it got a lot better since she has started pre-school and now she can not wait to go to the big school in September,its just me thinking where has the time gone!! little baby girl its not a baby anymore :( well i actually i feel very a proud of her,she has been having so many changes in her short life but its good,she has done it so well!!..,and finally is my baby boy meeting all this new friends and he is having so much fun,he is crawling everywhere,standing up aswell,trying to climb the stairs,very scary!!.well he is a big boy now and very strong,i absolutly love my kids,they are doing so well,and Sean very busy as always but helping me lots and me doing my daily duties but VERY HAPPY 4 OF US TOGETHER! life,my kids and my soulmate!
Saturday, 4 July 2009
Year 2008,expecting George!

At the end of december 2007 we were on our way to live in Lima-Peru,we spend our last week at our friends Marina and Juan's house in Ashtead,it was nice!,luego llegamos a Lima el 8 de diciembre,Mia disfruto de una rica torta por su cumple,3 anios,grande e inmensa,feliz de estar con mamama y papapa,mis padres,se adoran mutuamente y se llevan tan bien...Luego pasaron las semanas yo ya habia dejado de tomar pastillas y pensamos con Sean to try again for another baby,pero me imagine q me iba a demorar,pero no fue asi,en Enero mas o menos me di cuenta q no me venia,entonces decidi en hacerme el home pregnancy test y resultado taran!!..positivo ya estaba embarazada,nos alegramos mucho con tu papa Sean,al cual lo llamas dada ahora :( fue tu primera palabra,las primeras fueron dificiles tuve q estar en reposo total,tus abuelos y tio me ayudaron mucho con Mia,tu hermana mayor a la cual adoras completamente!,mi barriga empezo a crecer,me ilusionaba mucho cada dia,te imaginaba y luego cuando empece a sentir cuanto te movias me sentia super feliz de saber q Mia iba a tener alguien con quien jugar,tuve algunas semanas de reposo,no podia moverme tuve qestar hechada en la cama,tuve riesgo pero gracias a Dios todo fue de vuelta a la normalidad,mi embarazo fue siguiendo su transcurso normal,y tu ibas creciendo bien rapido,luego cuando por fin pude saber tu sexo,recuerdo estar en el consultorio del doctor y veiamos el scan,estabamos con tu daddy,Mia y tu mamama,la dra me dijo es una varon y yo llore de la alegria desde ahi ya sabiamos q te llamariamos George,y asi fue,we were over the moon,tu dada quedo palido de la emocion,luego espere q pasaran los semanas,meses,y las ultimas semanas cuando el doc se fue dando cuenta q mi placenta esta envejeciendo muy rapido pues decidio inducirme a mis 40 semanas,y asi fue,todo empezo un 27 de agosto a las 2:45pm y bueno no lo apresuraron como debieron y me dijeron q solo podia estar hasta 8 horas cosa q no fue asi,el doc lo apresuro y comence a dilatar mas rapido,mi fuente se rompio y despues de eso todo fue mas rapido,entre a la sala de parto a las 11pm y tu naciste 20 min despues en 5 pujadas,fue extraordinario,no escuche tu grito y me asuste pero luego lloraste y yo tmb,finalmente cuando tu dada te cargo en sus brazos y te trajo hacia mi, toda mi realidad cambio,mi vida por completo cambio,ser mama de 2 me aterraba solo de imaginarlo pero luego cuando tu hermana Mia te cargo en sus brazos por primera vez ese pensamiento cambio,los vi por primera vez juntos fue muy especial,y me senti muy bendecida por tenerlos a los dos sanos y completos,..las primeras semanas fueron duras tu despertabas cada 2 horas y tu dada me ayudo pero solo las 2 primeras semanas,el pobre se despertaba muy temprano para poder trabajar,luego los meses fueron pasando y me sentia suertuda porq empezabas a dormir bien,por varias horas,despertabas a Mia muchas veces,en ese entonces estabamos viviendo en el depa de tu mamama,en Surco,los 3,tu dada,tu y yo en un solo cuarto y tu en el moises q fue de Mia,tu dada lo pudo traer en una de sus maletas una de las tantas veces q se fue de viaje, having your daddy away for work reasons was the hardest thing for me,lo extraniaba cada segundo,crecias y cambiabas mucho cada dia luego a tus 3 meses empezaste a sonreir y medio q reconocias rostros,te encantaba estar con tus abuelos y tu tio,eras en si muy sociable aunque aveces no,lloraste muchas veces y querias mis brazos eso me decia q me querias y me sentia super bien! are my beautiful boy!..comienzos de diciembre nos mudamos a una casa mas grande,la cual Mia y tu daddy disfrutaron mucho en especial la piscina,luego en Marzo 2009,decidimos regresarnos a vivir a UK,para todos la vida iba a cambiar,tu ibas a extraniar la compania de tus abuelos,de tu tio,pero asi es la vida,llegamos comienzos de mayo,tu tenias 8 meses,ya reconocias a las personas en especial mami y daddy,estando aqui empezaste a gatear todo fue sorpresa para nosotros porq Mia lo hizo todo tarde,primero gateabas para atras y te arrastrabas y leugo poco a poco empezaste a darte cuenta q tus piernas las tenias q avanzar y avanzabas cada vez mas rapido,fue increible verte asi,lo maximo!..ahora teniendo 10 meses y una semana,gateas rapidisimo,te paras sosteniendote del sofa o cama o lo q sea luego si estoy lejos de ti vienes hacia a mi y te sostienes de mis piernas porq quieres q te carge,y eso hago pero no siempre porq aveces estoy cocinando,lavando platos,o haciendo algo,en fin pero me encanta verte asi tan independiente?..bueno casi,..en fin yo de ama de casa disfruto cada segundo de ti y de tu hermana ahora q ya va a ir al colegio,si q la extranias cuando no esta en casa pero haces tu siesta y eso te ayuda to keep you going on the day,you play together so nicely,rough sometimes but you love each other anyway,tienes muchos amiguitos de tu edad,mayores y menores,y te encanta la compania de ellos,eres muy sociable con la gente y eso lo sacaste de mi,bueno tu hermana tmb es asi,lindos!!..los adoro,ya te sguire contando de cuanto creces,me pregunto q haremos maniana,diferentes actividades te ayuda a dormir mejor!...excelente!,te adoro mi cochita rica!
Year 2004,expecting Mia

We have been tried for long time,after coming back from our lovely skiing holidays,taran!!..finally..descubri que te esperaba,ya embarazada de 6 o 7 semanas cuando lo descubri en un home pregnancy test,what a stick hey!!,..llore mucho de la alegria es mas tengo ya un cuadernito escrito a mano para mi reina hermosa,he escrito muchas paginas,lo comence el dia q descubri q te estaba esperando,tengo las fechas y todo,es precioso to read back to it!..sorry pero mi spanglish es loco lo se,bueno me la pase trabajando todo le tiempo y me sentia cansada pero no tanto tuve muchos sintomas,sick all the first few months,no podia tomar jugo de naranja me daba muchas nauseas,luego cuando tenia mas o menos 7 meses a partir de ahi tuve muchos antojos,uno de ellos jugo de manzana,tomaba litros y litros,me encantaba y a ti tambien! tuve problema alguno,bueno lo unico q descubrieron fue q mi liquido ambiotico era my bajo pero luego mejoro,y cuando por fin ,went to maternity leave,2 weeks before you were born,descubri q moria de ganas por conocerte porq pobre de ti ya no tenias mucho espacio para moverte,me aburri mucho y me encantaba tener la compania de Holly porq ella tmb estaba embarazada esperando a Dylan,q obvio en ese entonces no sabia el sexo del bb,pero yo si,si sabiamos q te esperabamos,por eso pudimos elegir tu nombre,y tu segundo nombre muy especial bueno ya sabes la historia,luego antes q nacieras nos mudamos de casa,vendimos nuestro depa y nos fuimos a una casa mas grande,embarazada conoci a este lindo grupo de chicas y con ellas me reuni muchas veces ya cuando los bbs habian nacido,fue muy especial y tenemos lindas fotos del recuerdo,nos mudamos un viernes y tu naciste un lunes,6th de dic-2004 como no recordarlo!,14 hours of labour was enough but worth it! porq cuando te tuve en mis brazos fue realmente increible!,,eras tan pequenia,mi enana,bueno mi nana asi te sigo llamando,ahora tu teniendo 4 anios y medio te sigo llamando asi,nos empezamos a conocer mejor cuando tenias cerca a un anio deje de trabajar para dedicarme a ti y no fue tan dificil como lo esperaba,los primeros anios son geniales y aprendi a tener paciencia y a hacer todo con juegos,luego cuando tenias casi 3 anios nos fuimos a Lima a vivir ahi aprendiste a hablar fluido castellano,ya lo sabias porq yo siempre te hable en casa pero no lo hablabas,luego entraste al nido y eso te ayudo pero luego llego tu hermanito George a tu mundo destronandote y te choco mucho pero lo superaste con la ayuda de mami y daddy,la primera vez q lo tuviste en tus brazos pensaste q era tu munieca bueno hasta ahora lo piensas,cuando lo cargas y el se rie,son los mejores amigos and love each other so much,me ayudas un monton con el ,you are mi cutie big girl and little helper, you are so special and the best big sister ever!
Life changes
My life completly change the first time i realised i was pregnant,this was more than 5 years ago and by then i was about 16 weeks,had a lovely pregnancy,not problem at all,worked all the way throught and finally giving birth in december 06,2004,to my daughter Mia Eleonor,spend the first 5 months with her then had to go back to work and my Mum looked after her,missed few things while she was growing but not much,then she was about 9 mths old we decided to moved to another area close where my husband Sean is naturally from,Wiltshire well by then Somerset,we lived in Rode for 2 years,Mia learn to walk,she was really late,crawling,walking,talking,and potty training,anyway!,being in Rode we meet lovely people,now good friends of us,specially because Mia started pre-school there and it was a diferent experience,well the whole decition to be a full time mum,24\7,change my life completly and then i started to enjoy more to a be a mum,it was very sad the first day when i left her at pre-school,she cried,didnt want me to leave,well kind of playing on me,because by 10 min later i was gone,she was fine,happy,first week was tough,just for me not for her,really!,she was so happy to have new friend and then she clicked with Sarah her new friend,they loved each other all the way and that only last 5 mnths because we decided to go to Peru and live there,and we did it!,it was wonderful but only for 15 months where we were having lots of changes on our lives,lovely company of friends and relatives and making new friends aswell,3 of us,being apart of my soulmate was the hardest thing i ever did,but in the end i think everything happened for a reason,and of course last but not least,we had a lovely second child called George,it was a whole new experience for my parents to be with me through my pregnancy and spend all that time looking after me,helping me on my duties with my daughter Mia, specially because the first few months were dificult,anyway,the day he was born everything change in my life,my parents were there and of course Sean every minute by my side,then when i saw his little face,hands and started crying i thought i have got my perfect family at last!!..all was a whole new experience,he was born in Lima,and my daughter in the UK,well Epsom,Surrey,both times completly diferents from the shape of my bump until the labour,well after that having my folks around all the time it was a totally diferent experience but nice in a way....right now i feel like i was lucky to have them by then but things change and now my life back in UK is totally wonderful diferent and spending that much time just with my kids is a bleesing!,my husband and I are very lucky to have each even if we have got ups and downs like any other marriage in this planet!,,well thats my thinking! life,mykids and my soulmate!
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