We went to a,almost every day sunny,north west of France,to Brittany-Bretagne,first time for us there,It was beautiful!!!,you two enjoyed the most,left really early on a sunday morning and got there in the afternoon after a long day driving 45 minutes from Saint Malo,where we arrived after being few hours in the ferries,it was a very nice not too long,well long enough for mummy,as she sufferes of seasickness,oh dear!!,,,anyway she was fine!!...Daddy took you for a look around on deck...you loved it!...and on board we were be able to watch a bit of tele,wasnt too long,thanks God for that,anyway in France,the most that you two enjoyed was making sand castles in the beach,loved it!!..then the ice creams of course and going out for dinner some evenings,we stayed in an apart hotel so most days we were having lunch there,It was very comfy and It was as you called it,our house for a week!!...the late nights was the nightmare for mummy and daddy but you two werent too bad,then the walkies along the seaside was awesome,most of the days was very hot as Daddy and Mia had a bit of sun stroke,oh dear!!..George bit of cough but not too bad then we came back to UK all recharged and back to our normal routine,next week its George's 4th b'day and the following one you two are going to school, George to reception and Mia to year 3!!...crazy!!!...my two babies are growing far too fast :( love you lots and lots,always will!!!