Just last week we spoke with Mamama and Papapa,after too many weeks that we didnt spoke to them,anyway,they said they are fine,still in Arequipa and very happy!!!...which it makes us even happier!!...you both spoke to them...they were happy to hear from us...we were missing them and viceversa....i told Mamama all about you moving school and about your little party with you friends at our new home,it was fab!!...and i also said that you two are growing to fast...and that you both love each other and

hate each other at the same time,like any brothers and sisters...i used to be like that with Tio Tito and Tia Ana so,i think its normal between siblings!!...but I said to mamama i love you both sooo much and at the same time you both can make me be soooo mad!!!...anyway you two know that you are my life!!...and at the moment we're enjoying the holidays so much,some days like today doing nothing just chilled out and lately we have been out and about,meeting good friends and Tia Ana and your cousions too,we had a fab time there last week...it was lovely...weather,food,company...and you both play lots with your cousins!!..nice!!
And i said to mamama lets hope we can go back to Peru next year to see everybody there,family and friends!!...i wish i can go tomorrow...but its not impossible...definitely next year....as from september hopefully i will be looking for a job and be able to save some money so we can go to Peru and enjoy ourselves!!...i can't wait!!!..LOVE YOU SOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!,YOU ARE MY LIFE!!!