My daughter!

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My son!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, 25 April 2011

Mia lost her first tooth!

Mia lost her first tooth on the 19th april 2011(at 6 yrs and 4 mths),she was very excited!!...specially for the toothfairy to come that night so she did and gave her a pound shiny coin!..and took her very white tooth away!!...she couldnt wait for that to happened!!..because most of her friends lost her teeth before she was overwhelmed!! when that happened you were on easter holidays having a nice time off,doing lots of diferents things,visiting friends,went to fun fair,went for picnic,went to the seaside,ride on donkeys,and doing lots of packing because we're moving to Melksham,and its your Daddy's hometown,where he grew up,we've found a lovely perfect home for us,and we'll be happily ever after!!...forever and ever!!

Sunday, 3 April 2011

Mother's day!!..the best ever!!! (2011)

Today i have had the best mother's day ever!!..thank to you and George for everything,well to daddy too,first was a yummy breakfast for me,we all sat down on the table,it was lovely!!,and you gave me a lovely card with some hand writing there,from your own words!!,it made me cried!!,you both are the best!!..then we went out,unfortunately it was raining so we couldnt go to the park as it was planned so instead we went to mc donalds for lunch jajaja,we shouldnt have to really....but..we all like it!!..we all had fun!!..then came back,was still raining so we just sat down and watched a nice movie!!..i have spend the day been spoiled rotten,thanks to you both and i love you more than ever more each day!!! are the bestest kids in the whole wide world!!xx

p'd:it was the first year on mother's day that Nanny wasnt around and of course we couldnt call her,daddy was a bit upset but i gave him a huge hug and he start to smile again!!..she will be always be with us,you know that,love you MUM!XX