I can not believe how time is flying by!!..you two are bigger and prettier..well its a saying really...i love you more each day...you 2 are mi life,my everything..Mia now 5 years and a half and George almost 2!!..iam so excited next month,my little prince will be a big boy now,my gorgeous toddler ,and in september he will start pre-school,and my princess will be in year 1!!.at the moment u get on together really well,you spend most of time in the afternoons playing indoors or outside if weather permitted,last weekend,you both were with daddy out riding bikes,Mia has been learning to ride bike since few weeks now,she is doing really well,not afraid at all,but last weekend you fell over few times so that put u off a bit,anyway,you have been really brave!!..and as i said to u few times,u need to learn to ride a bike at the same i'm learning to drive,how fun!!..let's see who does it first!!..with a bit more effort she will be able to do it very soon!!..when you two play together sometimes can be a nightmare,the bigger the more trouble i get but anyway,you both funny and naughty sometimes,kids hey! now George is almost 23 months,and he is saying few words like ball is his favorite one,dada,mama,nana so Mia,bike,upstairs,downstairs,lele is milk,the only one in spanish,titi his cars,another one actually in spanish,papa his food,spanish too,God! i didnt realised how many words in spanish he knows...anyway...George actually understands both languages same as Mia,good hey!!..iam so proud of you two,my life,my kids!!